Saturday, October 2, 2010

He is the Only Constant

This week has just been one of those weeks. You know what I mean. The amount of school work that I am doing has dramatically increased, and with it my stress level. I have had more tests this week than I care to count and I am overwhelmed with the thought of keeping my grades up. 

I was driving down the road yesterday pondering all of these things, and I realized that I had let stress and worry win that day. I had let the devil consume my mind with things that will one day fade away. In the mean time, I had not spent much time reading Scripture and giving my cares over to the Lord.

I may have a stressful life at times, but I am so glad that Jesus is the one constant thing in my life.

God is still good even when there aren't enough hours in the day. He still reigns over the earth even when I bomb a test and just want to crawl in bed and go to sleep. God doesn't change through any of that.

Therefore, my attitude about Him shouldn't change. I should still spend just as much time worshipping Him. I should still spend just as much time reading about Him. Most importantly, I should still spend as much time talking to Him.

So, today I am going to let Jesus fight my battles for me. And even when it seems like I'm losing, I'm going to try my very best to honor Him just the same. He makes everything work together for the good of those that love Him.  

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