Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is this life all about?

What does it mean to be alive?

I have begun to feel that my definition of fully living is very different from the rest of the world. The funny thing is that I am totally alright with this discovery.

The world would say that to be alive is to be breathing, to enjoy yourself, to do some good for the world, to live it up in college, to further your own conditions, and to answer to no one but yourself.

I would say that to be alive is to be breathing, to find joy in Jesus Christ, to do everything that I can to further His kingdom, to serve in college, and to glory in my relationship with Him.

Do I always succeed at this? Absolutely not. In fact, I don't succeed at being fully alive most of the time. But that's not the point. Thanks be to God, I don't have to be perfect. Yes, I will have to answer to my Holy Father one day. I will go before Him and proclaim that I was not perfect and that I do not deserve eternal life with Him. But then, my Savior Jesus Christ is going to stand up and say to His Father that it's okay, because I belong to Him. I don't have to be perfect, because He was. He died just so that I, Jessica Culbertson, could live eternally with Him. How amazing is that?

Therefore, since I know that my true future lies in Heaven with my Savior, I am not going to worry too much about the fact that the world would disagree with me about what it means to truly live. I refuse to let my college years be about me and what I want. I pray every day that my college years, as well as the rest of my life on this Earth, would be about loving God and loving people.  

What do you want your life to be about?

Monday, August 23, 2010

New Beginnings

New beginnings are :

  • Fun
  • Scary
  • Exciting
  • Scary
  • Opportunities
  • Chances worth taking
  • Scary
Do you get my drift?
I have never been a proponent of change, but I am learning to readjust my perspective a bit. I have recently become a student at North Greenville University, which is officially the biggest change that my short life has ever seen. North Greenville was a new beginning that was risky and challenging, but most definitely worth the risk. I have already made friends that will impact my life for years to come. I have experienced worship services that have changed the lives of students all over campus. Most importantly, on the first day of school, a total of fifty students accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Oh my gracious!
Where else does that happen?

Basically, my point is that new beginnings are most definitely scary, especially to me. But I am learning to trust God in the valleys as well as on the mountain tops. I must give my fear of change over to Him and let Him transform me so that I can follow WHEREVER He leads in the future.

Yes, new beginnings are scary, risky, and challenging. But most of all new beginnings are BEAUTIFUL experiences that will guide us towards a life that is...