Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fairy Tales

I am about to share with you all a secret about me that not many people know.

I still watch Disney movies. 

I am not talking about the ones that come on the Disney channel that have absolutely no plot line. I am talking about the old school Disney princess fairy tales.

Right now I am sitting in my room watching Beauty and the Beast, and I am fairly sure that Belle and I are kindred spirits. Belle is a book worm that is just looking for some adventure in life, and is not content with the mundane. Also, the scene where she walks into the library in the castle makes me wants to squeal with delight. I want to have that library someday, and I am confident that I will. 

I love fairy tales, but not for the reason that you think. I do not at all think that I am going to meet some prince charming that will rescue me at a moment's notice. I already have my prince charming, and no boy is  going to change that. Fairy tales aren't at all a good representation of earthly relationships. But they are a marvelous representation of our relationship with Christ. 

You see, people are always going to let me down, and I am always going to let other people down. None of us are perfect. Boys will never fully fill the void in my life. I do hope that one day I will find someone to share my earthly life with, but if I don't I am so glad that I have already found my true prince. Therefore, I am not going to spend away my youth just wishing for an earthly relationship when I already have the ultimate eternity-long love. 

Jesus is the hero of my story and my first love. He has rescued me from the ultimate danger.

 He is my prince charming and I am going to live happily ever after with Him.

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