Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fully Known

"For now we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known."

1 Corinthians 13:12

This verse comes from the quintessential "love" chapter in the Bible. I used to feel that it was a bit out of place, but now I am coming to understand exactly why this verse fits so perfectly in this chapter. I talk a lot about what it means to love something or someone, and this verse goes right along with that concept. When you love someone you want to know everything about them and see them for who they truly are.

Jesus loves me. I am fully known by Him, and that is an incredible thing. The God of the universe knows me fully! That's kind of crazy. He knows my fears, my favorites, and my failings. He knows my favorite color and he knows that I am OCD about most food. He knows that I am afraid of birds, and he knows why as well. He knows my greatest weaknesses and temptations. He knows what makes me feel close to Him and he knows what romances me. He knows those things that I can't tell anyone else. And He knows not because He has to, but because He wants to.

The Bible verse that I mentioned really excites me, because after realizing that Jesus wants to know me and loves me so much, I started to fall in love with Him. Therefore, that means that I want to know Him fully. I want to know everything about Him. The verse refers to a mirror. I believe that this is speaking of the fact that right now we can't see Jesus face-to-face. We are only seeing a slightly skewed reflection of Him through the Bible and other people. But one day, because I am a child of God, I will get to see the real thing!

A couple of years ago when I was going through a rough time, I remember being frustrated because Jesus was the only one that could truly hold me and comfort me, but I couldn't see Him face-to-face. He couldn't physically swoop me up in His arms and tell me that everything would be okay. When I read this verse, it reminds me that one day He will truly be able to do that. I will really be there with Him and I will know Him fully, as I am fully known. The thought of that is what makes life worth living.

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