Saturday, January 29, 2011

Modest is (Not) Hottest?

Modest is hottest.

I pretty much despise that saying. When did modesty become "hot". I am pretty sure that the point in being modest was to glorify God, not to make people think that you're hot. These are the things that I wish I had learned a few years ago. Dressing modestly in the world we're living in will not make you more attractive to most of the world, but it is what we are commanded to do.

(By the way, modesty is so much more than the way that we dress, but I am going to focus on that aspect of modesty for this post).

Yesterday while working at Old Navy, I saw that our bathing suits have come in. I also did a double take because I honestly thought that our children's bathing suits had been accidentally placed on the adult side. They are that small. I am pretty sure that the amount of cloth on those bikinis couldn't even properly clothe a small child.

And yet we get mad at guys for falling into temptation? Now, I understand that we are not responsible for all of their misgivings, but can we honestly not do any better? All that those bathing suits serve to do is make me feel self-conscious and not good enough. I am really not concerned about being perceived as hot. Because I have tried for too many years to impress those around me and I have finally realized that looking cute at the beach will have absolutely no significance when I stand before my Father at His throne. So, this year instead of obsessing over my body and trying to impress a few boys at the beach, I am going to throw out my bikinis and protect my brothers in Christ.

Join me?

I would like to hear what you have to say about this. So, comment back and let me know what you think about modesty. What does it mean to you? Do you agree with me about bathing suits? Be honest.