Saturday, September 25, 2010

Technology Overload

Have you ever thought about how much we use the internet?

Well, the internet has been out on my side of the room for several days now, and I have learned quite a few things about myself while the internet has been down.

1. I spend way too much of my time on the internet.

Obviously, this is a huge problem in our culture today. Many people walk straight into their room after class and get on facebook. I have been guilty of this as well. I wouldn't say that I am addicted to the social networking phenomenon, but it is definitely taking up too much of my time lately. Since my internet has not been working properly I have realized just how much time that I spend on the internet. Whew. It is a lot.

2. Much of my homework is done using the internet.

The internet has become a primary source for most research, rather than the traditional encyclopedia. I'm not sure that this is a good thing, but it is true. Also, I have found that a lot of my homework cannot be done without the use of an internet connection. This blog is a perfect example. I complete this blog not only for my own pleasure, but primarily because I get a grade for it in English class. However, I can't complete this blog without an internet connection. Therefore, it is really frustrating when the internet does not work.

3. I really miss having time to read books for pleasure.

Reading used to be one of my favorite activities, and as of late I have not had much time at all to read for pleasure. One really great thing about not having an internet connection is that I have had a huge amount of time to read. In fact, my sister recently let me take her copy of Pride and Prejudice to school with me, and I have been reading it almost every day. I read it a couple of years ago, but it is still one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. The movie is one of my favorites, but the book is definitely better than the movie.

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